Transition Skills: Building Confidence

Last week, I had the opportunity to sneak out for a long hike with a friend. Annie was asleep when I left, and I had intended to give her the day off. Instead, she surprised me by texting to say she was going to cook pasta. (Don’t panic, her dad was in the...

Transition Skills: Pancakes

Today in Transition Skills, we continued with cooking. Annie made Nutella pancakes. I would love for Annie to learn to bake from scratch. This adventure is about her, though, and not about my secret childhood to be Laura Ingalls. Instead, we are being practical. Since...

Transition Skills: Slow Cooker

Last night/today’s activity is using the slow cooker to make one of Annie’s favorite foods – Korean style pot roast. I spent much of my childhood living in Asia and grew up eating Korean food. I’ve passed the love on to my kids, but even so,...

Transition Skills: Budgeting a paycheck

Today, Annie and I went one step further with the “how money is spent” theme we’ve been on this week. We came up with a mock budget. Don’t @me about the numbers, please – these are very hypothetical. (Annie did insist on looking up the...